My situation has changed somewhat again and one part of my adventure has ended. As of friday this week, I do no loger work for Aussie Farmers Direct and instead intend to spend the money that I have managed to save by going on daytrips with the motorcycle and hopefully get to do a couple of scuba dives.
To celebrate my unemployment, the weather decided that a thunderstorm was the perfect way to to tell me I made the right choice. I had planned to go and buy a new GPS today as the USB-connector to my old new GPS has broken. The lightning bolts that appear every ten seconds accompanied by seriously heavy rain is making me reconsider and I’ll probably have to do that tomorrow instead.
Speaking of thunderstorms, I had a spectacularly rainy day last Thursday. According to my online weather sources, it rained over 80mm – and I was walking around in that all day. The worst bit though, was the ride home in darkness. My motorcycle helmet unfortunately isn’t fitted with a wiper, so the visibility wasn’t very good, also, my iPhone /packaged in a waterproof plastic bag in my waterproof riding gear) got wet and decided to not work anymore. A new battery including the work cost me $30, but I soon realised that there were other issues. My front camera isn’t working anymore, wifi is dead, bluetooth is dead and the power button has decided to get stuck in a mode where it turns the screen on every minute so the battery dies after half a day. Unfortunately therefor I don’t think there’ll be many updates on Instagram before I return home to Sweden and buy a new phone.
That’ll be all for now!
Spotify Song of the Day: Flogging Molly – A Prayer for Me in Silence